Meet the team

Martin Gillett – OPA Manager, Martin has been with OPA since 2009 and is the father of 3 very active boys! His job is to manage the Charity as well as helping to deliver our project work and maintain our excellent partnership working relationships with all our partners. Martin is also responsible for Fundraising at OPA.

Tracy Rampton – Sessional Playworker – Tracy helps deliver lots our project work including our Stay & Play sessions, Saturdads and our Faringdon Junior Youth Club. Tracy also works for IMPS and is a Volunteer Scout Leader.

Dominique – Sessional Playworker – Dom helps deliver lots our project work including our Stay & Play sessions, Saturdads and our Faringdon Junior Youth Club. She also runs Tots of Mess.

Jade Jarvis – Accounts & Finance – Jade produces all the finance reports and looks after our accounts.

Jane Gallagher has worked as OPA’s Play Development Officer and as manager of the Oxford Therapeutic Playwork project. She now joins in with OPA projects.

Meryl Smith – Meryl has been involved with OPA since the 1970’s when the organisatiion started and has been a stalwart of the organisation for almost 50 years. She is currently our Treasurer and is also involved with the Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association.

Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor – Anda is currently our Chair and is a retired County Councillor. Anda has supported OPA for many years.

Anne Bissell – Anne works for Oxford Active and is another long-standing Trustee and supporter of OPA.

Megan Douthwaite – Alongside OPA, Megan is also heavily involved with the South Oxford Adventure Playground.
Plus we have lots of volunteers who help OPA at community playdays and on other projects. Get in touch if you would like to volunteer with us.