Science Together – Researchers & Communities Together

Science Together: Oxford Researchers and Communities is a new programme that explores what challenges can be overcome or opportunities seized by local community groups when they are given access to the world class skills, knowledge and resources of our researchers. We work closely with community groups on projects which are important to them.

Why is Play Important? This was the question at the heart of the 2021/22 collaborative research project between Oxfordshire Play Association (OPA), the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University. The infographic above summarises the key findings of the resulting report, published in July 2022.

The first edition of ‘Why is Play Important in Oxfordshire‘ is aimed at influencing local decision-makers and those who make funding decisions, to demonstrate the importance of play for the physical and mental wellbeing of children and young people in Oxfordshire.

There is a lot of evidence and research around play, on a national and regional basis, but nothing has ever been produced exclusively with Oxfordshire needs and circumstances as its focus. Despite the overall affluence of the county there are several pockets of deprivation and the county also suffers from rural deprivation.

The project team now plan to produce a second edition that will be aimed at Oxfordshire’s parents and carers.

Why-is-Play-Important-June-2022-Oxfordshire-Play-Association_Oxford-University_Oxford-Brookes-University Infographic - Why is Play Important in Oxfordshire